How to Buy NEO Cryptocurrency: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

NEO, often referred to as the “Chinese Ethereum,” is a blockchain platform designed to enable the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. The platform’s native cryptocurrency, NEO, has gained popularity among investors for its potential in the growing world of blockchain technology. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to buy NEO cryptocurrency, from setting up a wallet to executing a trade on a cryptocurrency exchange.

Introduction to NEO Cryptocurrency

NEO is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency designed to enable the development of digital assets, dApps, and smart contracts. The platform was launched in 2014 by founders Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang, initially under the name “Antshares” before rebranding to NEO in 2017.

NEO’s mission is to create a “smart economy” where digital assets, digital identity, and smart contracts can be securely and efficiently managed. With its focus on regulatory compliance and its unique consensus algorithm called Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT), NEO aims to be a more energy-efficient and scalable solution compared to other blockchain platforms.

Setting Up a NEO Wallet

Before you can buy NEO cryptocurrency, you need to have a wallet to store your tokens securely. There are several types of wallets available, including hardware wallets, software wallets, and web wallets. Here’s how to set up a NEO wallet:

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are physical devices that store your private keys offline, providing the highest level of security. Two popular hardware wallets that support NEO are Ledger and Trezor.

  1. Purchase a Ledger or Trezor wallet from their respective official websites or an authorized reseller.
  2. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set up your hardware wallet, including creating a backup of your recovery phrase.
  3. Install the NEO app on your hardware wallet using Ledger Live for Ledger devices or Trezor Suite for Trezor devices.
  4. Open the NEO app on your hardware wallet and copy the public address to use when buying NEO.

Software Wallets

Software wallets are applications installed on your computer or mobile device. One popular software wallet for NEO is the Neon wallet.

  1. Visit the official Neon wallet website and download the appropriate version for your operating system.
  2. Install the Neon wallet on your computer or mobile device.
  3. Open the Neon wallet and create a new wallet, following the on-screen instructions to generate a public address and private key.
  4. Securely store your private key and recovery phrase in a safe location.

Web Wallets

Web wallets are online platforms that allow you to manage your NEO cryptocurrency through a web browser. One example of a web wallet for NEO is the O3 wallet.

  1. Visit the official O3 wallet website and sign up for an account.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new NEO wallet, including generating a public address and private key.
  3. Securely store your private key and recovery phrase in a safe location.

Choosing a Cryptocurrency Exchange

To buy NEO, you’ll need to use a cryptocurrency exchange that supports the token. There are many exchanges to choose from, but some popular options include Binance, Coinbase Pro, and Bitfinex. When selecting an exchange, consider factors such as fees, available trading pairs, and the platform’s reputation.

Registering and Verifying Your Account on the Exchange

After choosing a cryptocurrency exchange, you’ll need to create an account to start trading. Here are the general steps to register and verify your account:

  1. Visit the chosen exchange’s website and sign up for an account.
  2. Provide your name, email address, and a secure password.
  3. Confirm your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your inbox.
  4. Complete any additional verification requirements, such as providing identification documents or completing a Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This step may vary depending on the exchange and the country in which you reside.

Depositing Funds

Before you can buy NEO, you’ll need to deposit funds into your exchange account. Some exchanges allow you to buy NEO directly with fiat currency, while others may require you to first purchase another cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which can then be traded for NEO. Follow these general steps to deposit funds:

Depositing Fiat Currency

  1. Log in to your exchange account and navigate to the deposit section.
  2. Choose the fiat currency you’d like to deposit, such as USD or EUR.
  3. Select the payment method you’d like to use, such as a bank transfer or credit card.
  4. Follow the exchange’s instructions for completing the deposit, which may include providing your bank account or credit card details and authorizing the transaction.

Depositing Cryptocurrency

  1. If you don’t already own Bitcoin, Ethereum, or another cryptocurrency that can be traded for NEO, you’ll need to purchase some on a separate exchange or from a peer-to-peer platform.
  2. Log in to your exchange account and navigate to the deposit section.
  3. Choose the cryptocurrency you’d like to deposit, such as BTC or ETH.
  4. Copy the deposit address provided by the exchange and use it to initiate a transfer from your existing wallet or another exchange where you hold the cryptocurrency.
  5. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain and the funds to appear in your exchange account.

Buying NEO Cryptocurrency

Once your funds have been deposited, you’re ready to buy NEO cryptocurrency. The process will vary depending on the exchange, but here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your exchange account and navigate to the trading section.
  2. Locate the trading pair for NEO and the currency you’d like to trade, such as NEO/BTC or NEO/USD.
  3. Select the “Buy” or “Trade” option and enter the amount of NEO you’d like to purchase.
  4. Choose the type of order you’d like to place, such as a market order (which executes immediately at the current market price) or a limit order (which executes when the price reaches a specified level).
  5. Review the transaction details, including the total cost and any fees, and confirm the order.
  6. Wait for the order to be executed, and the NEO cryptocurrency will be added to your exchange account.

Withdrawing NEO to Your Wallet

After purchasing NEO, it’s essential to transfer your tokens to your wallet for secure storage. Here’s how to withdraw NEO to your wallet:

  1. Log in to your exchange account and navigate to the withdrawal section.
  2. Choose NEO as the cryptocurrency you’d like to withdraw.
  3. Enter the public address of your NEO wallet, which you obtained when setting up the wallet in Step 2.
  4. Specify the amount of NEO you’d like to withdraw and review the transaction details, including any withdrawal fees.
  5. Confirm the withdrawal and wait for the transaction to be processed. The NEO tokens will be transferred to your wallet.


Buying NEO cryptocurrency may seem complex at first, but by following this comprehensive guide, you can successfully navigate the process from start to finish. Remember to choose a reputable exchange, complete any necessary verification steps, and securely store your NEO tokens in a wallet to protect your investment. As with any investment, always conduct thorough research and consider the risks before investing in cryptocurrencies like NEO.

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